• Question: why does glue stick to everything but the inside of the glue bottle?

    Asked by alexcarrx to Clare, Glafkos, Paul, Samantha on 9 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Glafkos Havariyoun

      Glafkos Havariyoun answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      Well actually if you cut the glue bottle and let the glue interact with air you will see that it will stick to the inside of the glue bottle as well!

      This is because when the water (with alcohol) in the glue evaporates (when the glue is exposed to air ) only the sticky part of the chemical will remain and it will stick 🙂

      So as long as you keep the cap on the glue bottle and air doesn’t go in the bottle it won’t stick!

    • Photo: Samantha Terry

      Samantha Terry answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      Because glue reacts with air to become sticky. That is why the cap of the glue bottle has that sticky residue, but what comes out of the bottle does not.

    • Photo: Clare Devery

      Clare Devery answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      Yep – it’s the reaction between glue and air that you want to avoid, there is nothing special about a glue bottle. Glue is so messy though…selotape all the way for me!

    • Photo: Paul Booker

      Paul Booker answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      The same reason you need to let something with glue on dry (or blow on it) before it’s ready. The glue reacts with air to stick materials together. In the bottle there isn’t really much air, and there definitely isn’t any between the inside of the bottle and the glue liquid.

      Probably as a bottle empties there will be residue at the top though, so you could see where glue does stick to the bottle inside a bit.
