• Question: In you whole lifetime, what do you wish to achieve and how will effect the world?

    Asked by CleoW to Samantha, Paul, Clare, Glafkos on 13 Mar 2015. This question was also asked by Millie, xitszoe, Sewon.
    • Photo: Glafkos Havariyoun

      Glafkos Havariyoun answered on 13 Mar 2015:

      On a professional level: I am very realistic and I know that I will not discover a new cure or a new type of scanner. What I do want to do though is to improve Nuclear Medicine imaging in terms of the smallest sized object we can see in patients and the time it take us to do that. This means that I want patients to spend as less time as possible lying on a couch without moving whilst still getting good images of their organs! I want my work to have a direct impact on the patients we see on a day to day basis ! Even if that doesn’t effect the whole world !

    • Photo: Samantha Terry

      Samantha Terry answered on 13 Mar 2015:

      In my whole lifetime I would like to be known by my peers as an outstanding scientist having helped bring imaging to personalised medicine.

    • Photo: Clare Devery

      Clare Devery answered on 13 Mar 2015:

      Professionally I would love to think that some of my research will have an impact on the way things are done clinically. I am quite focussed on furthering post processing techniques so that we can put real numbers on the images we generate. For example you can tell what rate blood is flowing through the valves of the heart by analysing an MRI image. I’d like to make methods for doing this more reliable and more accurate. This would make diagnosis of heart failure a more exact science and have an impact on patients being diagnosed with cardiac conditions.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 13 Mar 2015:

      I want to develop research that involves all the sciences, I feel that the different fields should work more together. Medical physics has achieved so much so far why not continue in other areas?

    • Photo: Paul Booker

      Paul Booker answered on 15 Mar 2015:

      Wow that’s a big question! I hope that I can help the patients with cancer that I work with, and the departments that I work in to run well and deliver safe and effective care. I hope I can help encourage some other people (like you guys!) to study science and maybe work in healthcare too as there’s a big need for more of us. If I can come up with some new or better ways of treating cancer then that’s great too. And, of course, hopefully be a good person generally and try to have a small, but positive effect on the world 🙂

      Read this – see if you like it! http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Desiderata
