• Question: What other job opportunities were on offer with the qualifications you got?

    Asked by 374medb32 to Clare on 18 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Clare Devery

      Clare Devery answered on 18 Mar 2015:

      So many I can’t even list them all! Physics opens so many doors. I graduated in 2012 with a degree in physics, with about 30 other students. From those 30 we have all branched out into different areas. Some went on to do more study – PhDs or masters courses. There are two of us working in medical physics. One guy went on to do perfusion science (this is seriously cool – they work on the machines that pump blood about the body during a heart transplant), there are a few working for Google as programmers or web developers. One guy writes mobile phone apps and computer games.

      There are a few working in industry – things like plastic manufacturing or medical device manufacture. Some guys are working in banks and investment companies. I think some went into research labs, working on nanomaterials. Some went to CERN in Switzerland to work in particle physics. There are a few working with state of the art lasers.

      The great thing about a science degree, in particular physics, is that once you graduate you are not limited to one industry. The problem solving skills and logical thinking you develop during your degree can be applied to almost any line of work.
